Reports & Briefings

Taking a Chance: Market Dominators Game the System
For a long time, mass entertainment was various forms of media that the public consumed passively. But the rise of the internet did not just disintermediate the entertainment industries we knew—changing the ways movies, music, and news were packaged and delivered—it...

IEA Signs Coalition Letter on Inflation Reduction Act Prescription Drug Price Controls
Dear Members of Congress, When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and signed into law a year ago, the legislation granted the federal government broad power to set and control the price of certain prescription drugs through a new Medicare price negotiation program...
Comments to FCC on Accelerating Wireline Broadband Deployment
To Read the Full Version Click Here

Bridging the Final Gaps: Policy Paths for Broadband Deployment in Florida
The broadband industry has invested billions of dollars in covering the country with ever faster, ever more ubiquitous broadband. From one generation of broadband to the next, the country continues to benefit from private industry best serving its customers with new...

IEI Files Amici Curiae Brief on Massachusetts Port Authority Vs. Turo Inc.
Massport v. Turo - Brief of amici curiae

Broadband Providers and a Smart FCC: Keep Us Connected While We Stay Distant
"Particularly over the last decade, much has been said about “innovation.” Many have commented on how to create an environment to inspire it, to manage it or benefit from it. In fact, so much has been said that unfortunately many people tune it out. This has happened...