Our Mission

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The mission of the Innovation Economy Institute and the Innovation Economy Alliance is to educate about and create a policy environment that understands the innovation ecosystem, that accepts and enables dynamic creation, invention, expression and experimentation. A culture that celebrates innovation must be re-energized.

Such an environment allows the private sector and consumer demand to lead the way unleashing the power of the market. Where other action is necessary industry should self- regulate with government encouraging such behavior. Governments should avoid undue restrictions, but where government action is necessary such actions should be “light touch,” consistent and predictable. Government should seek means to avoid regulation, providing a greater focus on protecting intellectual property, protecting privacy, policing fraud and engaging in partnerships with the private sector where necessary.

Perhaps most importantly, government officials must come to understand the innovation ecosystem of today and how various layers int eh stack of innovation work together, interact and depend on one another.

The Innovation Economy Alliance is a non-profit non-partisan organization dedicated to informing and educating the public through research and analysis regarding federal, state and international government on the innovation ecosystem, and calling them to action.

The Innovation Economy Institute is a non-profit non-partisan organization dedicated to educating the public, state and federal policy makers through research and analysis regarding federal, state and international government on the innovation ecosystem.

Innovation Economy Alliance