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IEA Signs Coalition Letter to FCC Opposing Digital Discrimination
Click Here to Read the Digital Discrimination Coalition Letter

IEA Signs Coalition Letter Opposing the NO FAKES Act
Click here to read the NO FAKES Act Coalition Letter

What a Web AG Bonta Weaves
With good reason, we are encouraged to understand history, but for some, perhaps, the temptation to repeat past mistakes is just too great. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato described sophists, paid philosophers often involved in public works, as those who twisted...

Technology Can Save Kids’ Lives in Texas
The Texas foster care system is infamous for failing its wards. The system is so flawed that in 2015 it was found in violation of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees the right for people to be free from an unreasonable risk of harm while in government custody. The...

Canadian Troll Patent Suits Could Upend U.S. Connectivity
Air pollution from Canadian wildfires is just one of the problems we face from our neighbor to the north. A Canadian company weaponizing intellectual property rights could do major damage to the U.S. tech sector. Bell Northern Research has been around since the 1970s,...

In fantasy sports the players on the field aren’t the only skilled players
Fantasy sports is an industry that’s growing like almost no other. It’s estimated to be a $28 billion market in 2023 and set to grow to more than $50 billion by 2028. Nearly 20% of Americans age 18+ participate in fantasy sports. 20%! As with all growing industries,...

IEA Signs Coalition Letter on Inflation Reduction Act Prescription Drug Price Controls
Dear Members of Congress, When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and signed into law a year ago, the legislation granted the federal government broad power to set and control the price of certain prescription drugs through a new Medicare price negotiation program...

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Expressing Support for the “Rural Internet Improvement Act of 2023″
Read the Full Coalition Letter Here

Broadband by Regulation – Use Less but Pay More
Usage based billing (UBB), also referred to as pay as you go, pay-per-unit, or metered pricing, amongst others, is a billing model used across a variety of industries that charges users based on what they actually use instead of a fixed rate that is the same for...

The Digital Silk Road or the U.S. Information Superhighway?
China has garnered much attention given its position as a major economic competitor to the United States, and specifically as a competitor in telecommunications, technology and innovation. The national security implications for the use of Chinese technology have also...