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Broadband Providers and a Smart FCC: Keep Us Connected While We Stay Distant
"Particularly over the last decade, much has been said about “innovation.” Many have commented on how to create an environment to inspire it, to manage it or benefit from it. In fact, so much has been said that unfortunately many people tune it out. This has happened...

Will 5G get 6GHz?
Will 5G Get 6GHz? Last year was a great year for consumers, business and the FCC as much needed licensed spectrum was auctioned or put in the spectrum pipeline, and critical decisions were made by the FCC related to opening up C-band and 5.9 GHz slices of spectrum for...

IEI Joins Coalition Requesting Dismissal of FCC CBS CAR Complaint
Click here to read the full letter

A Lavish Holiday Season for the Favored Programs of Government
With a month to go, and only a week or so until Christmas, the Biden administration is checking its winners and losers list, and delivering cash packages as fast as it can. Welcome to the season of Bidenomics at the speed of Donner and Blitzen. Bidenomics was peddled...

Institute for Policy Innovation: Global Encryption Day Briefing
The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) recently hosted an event on Encryption and Online Commerce featuring the Innovation Economy Alliance's Executive Director Bartlett Cleland. IPI reports "Encryption is vital for secure online commerce and private communication....

Adapt and Overcome: The DoD’s Software Deployment Risks Bottlenecks and Stagnation – it’s time to heed the warning signs
The Pentagon’s current Authority to Operate (ATO) process poses a significant risk to the innovations our military needs. Among the three letter alphabet soup acronyms of the Federal government there’s one which stands out almost exclusively as perpetually problematic...

IEA Joins Coalition Opposing Broadband Taxes
Click here to read the Coalition Letter Opposing Broadband TaxesDownload

IEA Leads Coalition Supporting No FAKES Act
Click here to read the No FAKES Act Coalition letterDownload

PODCAST – All Things Tech in Sacramento and Washington
The Executive Director of the Innovation Economy Institute, Bartlett Cleland, joins Pacific Research Institutes podcast to discuss big tech debates and how the upcoming prresidential election could affect tech policy. Click here to listen to the podcast.

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Reiterating Opposition to Biden Admin’s Broadband Rate Regulation
Click Here to Read the Full Letter

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Against KOSA
You can read the full letter here.

IEI Joins Coalition Against Section 230 Repeal or Replace
You can read the full letter here