
IEA Signs Coalition Letter on Inflation Reduction Act Prescription Drug Price Controls
Dear Members of Congress, When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and signed into law a year ago, the legislation granted the federal government broad power to set and control the price of certain prescription drugs through a new Medicare price negotiation program...
IEI Submits Comments to the FCC on Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934
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IEI Signs Coalition Letter Encouraging FCC to Sunset Conditions Imposed in The Charter Communications-Time Warner Cable-Bright House Networks Order
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California Doubles Down on Unworkable Data Privacy Law During Second COVID Shutdown
Businesses were ordered to close. Schools were shuttered. People were told to stay home. Many believed that in a week or two life for the most part would return to normal and that COVID would be a bad memory. Now, four months later, California has not just halted...