
Only Conservatives Can Save the Affordable Connectivity Program
Our federal deficit is exploding, and America’s financial house is in disarray. The country’s borrowing costs are at their highest level in over 20 years, and the national debt has surpassed $34 trillion for the first in history. In this environment, implementing...
Analyzing the Biden Administration’s Tech and Innovation Policy Agenda
While it took a couple months for clarity to replace idle speculation, the Biden administration’s tech and innovation public policy agenda is increasingly clear. The forecast? Government with little chance of free markets. At his recent address to Congress President...
Closing the Laboratories Just as They Are Most Needed
In 1932, progressive U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis popularized a phrase regarding the importance of the U.S. system of federalism. As he wrote, “…a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and...
IEI Signs Coalition Letter Opposing BRIDGE Act
Click to Download Full Letter