Competition & Free Market
The importance of market competition in the race for a global advantage in innovation is vital to growth as a nation. Policies that protect self-rule, free-entry and free-scope enable businesses and the economy to compete successfully to spur progress in public and private institutions.Competitiveness
Emerging Technology
Property Rights
Taxes & Budget
Congress Must Move Now to Reauthorize Spectrum Auctions
Tomorrow the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) auction authority will expire. Despite its obvious importance, for US global competitiveness and consumers, Congress extended the authority only a couple months when it was about to expireearly this fall. Instead...
10 Groups Support Opening 6GHz Band for Unlicensed Use
VIA ELECTRONIC FILING February 14, 2020 Hon. Ajit Pai, ChairmanFederal Communications Commission445 12th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20554 RE: Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band, ET Docket No. 18-295; Expanding Flexible Use in Mid-Band Spectrum between 3.7 and 24 GHz, GN...