Competition & Free Market
The importance of market competition in the race for a global advantage in innovation is vital to growth as a nation. Policies that protect self-rule, free-entry and free-scope enable businesses and the economy to compete successfully to spur progress in public and private institutions.Competitiveness
Emerging Technology
Property Rights
Taxes & Budget
Congress On the Wrong Wavelength
The refrain that very little gets done in Washington is now common, likely because it is so observably true. Issues of importance to the country seem to be perpetuated rather than solved, and often not even addressed. Instead, Congress distracts itself with reality...
Technical Standards are Public Policy, and Must Be Monitored by the States
Technical standards are public policy. Many people tune out at the very mention of standards, but they are part of the public policy world as their impact can be broad and dramatic for any number of activities in a state, either enabling or hobbling them. Technical...
ALEC, the Supreme Court and Intellectual Property
The Supreme Court is currently considering a case, Google v. Oracle America, that could have a dramatic effect on copyright law in general and specifically on the copyright protection for software. So important is this case for intellectual property (IP) that ALEC...
The Health Tech We Knew We Needed but Never Got Around to Having
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, physicians say, by a margin of 2 to 1, that the increased use of heath information technology is a positive for overall quality of care. As has been demonstrated on multiple occasions, infusing technology in healthcare can...