
Congress On the Wrong Wavelength
The refrain that very little gets done in Washington is now common, likely because it is so observably true. Issues of importance to the country seem to be perpetuated rather than solved, and often not even addressed. Instead, Congress distracts itself with reality...
Big Government Won’t Improve Broadband in Rural California
Pick nearly any state in the union and likely it has a large swath of rural area and population. Even California, which is rarely thought of as a “rural state,” is still physically more than half rural, with about four million residents living in those areas. Many...
IEI Urges FCC To Adopt its 5.9 GHz Proposal to Power Wi-Fi’s Future Success
Click to Read the Full Letter
Broadband Providers and a Smart FCC: Keep Us Connected While We Stay Distant
"Particularly over the last decade, much has been said about “innovation.” Many have commented on how to create an environment to inspire it, to manage it or benefit from it. In fact, so much has been said that unfortunately many people tune it out. This has happened...