
When Poles are Made Out of Reach So Too is Broadband Access for Many
As May graduations give way to family summer vacations millions will hit the road to crisscross our sprawling country. Down those same stretches of vacationer crowded highways are millions of utility poles which serve as home to electric, traditional phone and...
Broadband by Regulation – Use Less but Pay More
Usage based billing (UBB), also referred to as pay as you go, pay-per-unit, or metered pricing, amongst others, is a billing model used across a variety of industries that charges users based on what they actually use instead of a fixed rate that is the same for...
The Digital Silk Road or the U.S. Information Superhighway?
China has garnered much attention given its position as a major economic competitor to the United States, and specifically as a competitor in telecommunications, technology and innovation. The national security implications for the use of Chinese technology have also...
Congress On the Wrong Wavelength
The refrain that very little gets done in Washington is now common, likely because it is so observably true. Issues of importance to the country seem to be perpetuated rather than solved, and often not even addressed. Instead, Congress distracts itself with reality...