Articles, Op-Eds, & Blogs

Adapt and Overcome: The DoD’s Software Deployment Risks Bottlenecks and Stagnation – it’s time to heed the warning signs
The Pentagon’s current Authority to Operate (ATO) process poses a significant risk to the innovations our military needs. Among the three letter alphabet soup acronyms of the Federal government there’s one which stands out almost exclusively as perpetually problematic...

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Reiterating Opposition to Biden Admin’s Broadband Rate Regulation
Click Here to Read the Full Letter

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Against KOSA
You can read the full letter here.

IEI Joins Coalition Against Section 230 Repeal or Replace
You can read the full letter here

When Poles are Made Out of Reach So Too is Broadband Access for Many
As May graduations give way to family summer vacations millions will hit the road to crisscross our sprawling country. Down those same stretches of vacationer crowded highways are millions of utility poles which serve as home to electric, traditional phone and...

IEI Signs Coalition Letter Opposing NTIA Rate Regulation
Read the full letter here

Only Conservatives Can Save the Affordable Connectivity Program
Our federal deficit is exploding, and America’s financial house is in disarray. The country’s borrowing costs are at their highest level in over 20 years, and the national debt has surpassed $34 trillion for the first in history. In this environment, implementing...

The Cost of Protecting Teens Online
Both state and federal legislators are actively pushing legislation designed to “protect our children online.” Of course, there is already a federal Children’s Online Privacy Act that regulates the online collection of personal information about children under 13...

The Game of Fair Play: More Competition in Sports Gaming Please!
Sports gaming is a big business, with the potential for over $100 billion in annual revenue worldwide. As this massive entertainment industry continues to grow, a battle is underway between top companies over what kinds of gaming products should be allowed. The...

When the Fix Is In, Patients Lose
Last year, many statehouses across the country looked to address a growing consumer issue broadly known as “right to repair.” Now with legislative sessions kicking off in more than 40 states across the country, this policy looks like it will continue to stay at the...